julio cortazar. on jazz-26.01.10

*artwork- “relativity ” by m.c. escher via blogs.cornell.edu



i did forget.
beloved  Cortazar, how funny does it work.
three lines by genius and it became so vivid…that chilly summer night in holy city.
i wear long brown dress
so dark and infinite to match the mood we share
we slowly walk, with nothing more to say
so miserably lost
two accidental strangers
the shelter of a bar, protecting sounds of jazz
i hide my tears in smile
you are unmercifully distant

i sipped the shame. and swallowed.

and now, forever since,
i wish i could replay
the shelter of a bar, protecting sounds of jazz
while you fake fascination with the act
and as we wait for the distracting substance,
i put my hand on yours, excuse myself, get up
and leave.

how powerful it seems. now.

on my way home-23.12.09

*artwork-“sad melody of a street performer” by yuri kodimer via imgrum.net


as i walk home,
shaking off their faces, stories, their smell and fear,
i reconnect
with my own neglected for 6.5 hours being
i lift up my eyes, “vintage” buildings for
bohemian (and) junkies.
sky is never gentle, with homeless me,
with ever homeless them.
concrete stairs, i learned to breath quietly
this hill is a loving enemy.
what do they feel leaving my room?
leaving me to watch their deepest secrets
like i watch this drying laundry on Bauhaus remnants.
on my way home.